Drawing like a pro - 46, Drawing a cupboard in two-point perspective (Power up 100%)

Hi friends!

I would like to propose this exercise to continue developing skills that allow us to draw subjects in two-point perspective.

We start by drawing the horizon line freehand and the first strokes that define the position and size of the cupboard to draw, then drawing a line from the upper vertex of the cube we define the first vanishing point VP1.
Then we draw the line of the lower vertex of the drawing.

From the upper vertex, again drawing the line towards the horizon on the left side, we define the second vanishing point VP2.
The same in the lower vertex.

Taking the measurement of the depth of the furniture using our paper ruler.

We check that the same measurement corresponds to the bottom of our drawing.

Using the method of diagonals to divide the front of the cube, we first divide it into two parts.

Then, repeat the process to get four splits and then we draw the interior lines of the furniture to give thickness to the boards.

Extend lines to vanishing points to complete interior cabinet partitions as shown. I have marked the lines to VP1 and VP2 with blue and red respectively and the green vertical passing through the intersection to mark the inside depth of the cupboard.




I wish you a very nice day and good exercise!

And if you like to colour your drawings, I recommend the interesting and useful Color and Light classes of @fumansiu whose concepts you can apply both with traditional and digital techniques.


Here are the links to the previous related posts.
1-Introduction - 2-Introduction - 3-Introduction - 4-Introduction -
5-Introduction - 6-Lesson - 7-Lesson - 8-Lesson - 9-Lesson - 10-Lesson -
11-Masterclass - 12-HW Contest - 13-Lesson 14-Lesson - 15-Lesson -
16-Lesson - 17-HW results - 18-Masterclass - 19-HW Contest - 20-Lesson - 21-Lesson - 22-Lesson - 23-HW results - 24-Lesson - 25-Lesson -
26-Masterclass - 27-HW Contest - 28-Lesson - 29-Lesson - 30-feedback -
31-Lesson - 32-HW results - 33-Masterclass - 34-HW contest #4 -
35-feedback - 36-feedback - 37-feddback - 38-Masterclass - 39-HW Contest #5 - 40-feedback - 41-feedback - 42-lesson - 43 feedback - 44-feedback -
45-HW feedback

100% SP (manual transfer to SP)



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