Accountability Standards: The Garden of Eden Ledger, Or How We Invest Our Freedom - 10/28/16

We hold high standards for transparency, accountability, and responsibility. We share ledgers of our production not only to inspire others, but to motivate and top ourselves.

It has been 2 weeks since our last ledger, and so much has happened since then! Our current 10 volunteers have been hard at work/play in being the change we wish to see in this world.

Here's a recap of what we've accomplished in 2 weeks, with some of our most exciting progress in Eden history:

  • We launched Eden 2.0 on Steemit first! Building on our extreme success, we are ready to expand to a more comprehensive community with room for dozens to hundreds of families. For more info, check out our website.
  • invested 125 man hours in developing business proposals (full plans to be released after the airing of an MTV show featuring the Garden of Eden on December 19)
  • invested 85 man hours towards public relations, including sending our press release to hundreds of outlets


  • built 6 web pages
  • made travel arrangements for our Eden Knights to scope locations in Ecuador
  • made travel arrangements for our Eden Knights to attend Steemfest in Amsterdam
  • listed items on Craigslist and LetGo to liquidify our assets towards Eden 2.0
  • Quinn was interviewed for CBS


  • received endorsement and donation from @theprophet0 -- thank you so much for your inspiring generosity! You are a great benefit to the Steemit community as user and witness! 
  • tended the garden
  • made 10 gallons of homemade wine
  • decanted 10 gallons of homemade wine
  • hosted a burlesque show and feast (this was a really epic event and we're excited to share details!)


  • made 980 pounds of compost
  • harvested herbs, greens, and tomatoes
  • mixed 20 pounds of tea and smoking blends
  • chopped firewood for the upcoming winter


  • made 3 gallons of vinegar
  • held a garage sale
  • filled 12 orders for our sustainable goods


  • burned 25 "trash" fence panels as fuel
  • saved 2350 pounds of trash from the landfill
  • took 6483 photos (!!!)
  • fed 750 free meals



It has been a full couple of weeks, with important groundwork laid for incredible things to come. This list doesn't even include the contributions of our individual community members! We are investing tens of man hours a day in Steemit, and we're grateful for the support of our Eden Knights are receiving. Here are the articles our Eden Knights shared:


  1. Steemit Exclusive: New Hand Painted Steemit Suede Hat PhotoShoot and PeerHub Listings! Improving The Steem$ Economy!
  2. Steemit OpenMic Night Week 3 Entry: Didgeridooing in The Garden of Eden in My New Hand Painted Epic Steemit Suede Hat!
  3. Progress is not possible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything
  4. What Is Sustainability and Why is it So Important?
  5. How to Grow Sweet Potato Crops Sustainably! Comprehensive Tutorial. One of My favorite and Most abundant Crops!
  6. How To Properly Use An Earthen Oven and The Consciousness of Fire Starting!
  7. Meeting The Steemit Challenge: "Do Something Charitable and Write About It" A Challenge Made For Me!
  8. Steemit OpenMic Night Week 2 Entry: Didgeridoo Vibrations in Epic Steemit Gear!


  1. I get to do art with @Opheliafu....Collaborative Treasures!
  2. In alignment with AWESOME blessings. Now offering up ART for my flight to Steemfest!
  3. SteemitPhotoChallenge #14 ...Autumn Entry Nos. 1, 2 and 3
  4. What are you grateful for? Interactive Gratitude Journal? - Let's Do It Together We Can Change Our Outlook on Everything
  5. The Magnificence of Age - Photographic Appreciation of History
  6. 19 Things On a Leaf Covered With Sauce!!! Intuitive Food Alchemy
  7. SteemitPhotoChallenge #13 - Entry 2 He's Got His Whole World in His Hand! and Entry 3: Solar Power
  8. Hands - SteemitPhotoChallenge #13 . . . . Entries No. 1 Daddy's Hand Up!
  9. Imagine the Potential for Life If Children Grew Up with True Freedom, in a World of Self-Design: Here is a Real Example of Children Living Such a Life We're Creating A Whole New Paradigm In Honor of the Children!

and @everlove won a ticket to Steemfest from @infovore--thanks @infovore!!


  1. How to Yoga - Satya (Truth)
  2. How to Yoga - Garland Pose
  3. How to Yoga - Eight-Angle Pose
  4. How to Yoga - OM
  5. How to Yoga - Humble Warrior
  6. How to Yoga - Triangle
  7. How to Yoga - Pyramid Pose
  8. How to Yoga - Extended Side Angle Pose
  9. How to Yoga - Standing Splits
  10. Quinn Eaker Sponsored My Flight to Amsterdam Where I Will Teach Yoga at SteemFest!!! I'm Overflowing with GRATITUDE!
  11. SteemitPhotoChallenge #13 Entries - Hands: Nature's Candy and Roots of My Tree
  12. How to Yoga - Revolved High Lunge
  13. How to Yoga - Simple Seated Twist
  14. How to Yoga - Giving Thanks for the Journey

even our @kotamdickson was inspired to introduce herself this week in a great post! 

  1. Excited to Introduce Myself: My Full Life Story in One Steemit Introductory.

We're here to show that a better way is possible--may you be inspired to do epic things!

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