Daily Inspiration #49 - Marva Collins - Go Get it!

Daily Inspiration #49
Marva Collins
Go Get it!

Marva Delores Collins (Knight; August 31, 1936 – June 24, 2015) was an American educator who started Westside Preparatory School in the impoverished Garfield Park neighborhood of Chicago in 1975.

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This woman started a prep school in a rough part of Chicago in the 70's.

What an accomplishment!

She has a great quote that I had to share.

"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

I can remember when I was around 13 years old I saw a movie (don't remember what it was) about a kid that got noticed on the street by a Hollywood producer and turned into an actor.

At that age I started thinking, wouldn't that be cool.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone noticed me just walking down the street, stopped and said, "We've got to have you! Come to Hollywood, we're going to make you a star!".

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Then they just swooped me off to riches and fame and life was full of rainbows and candy canes!


Then I could leave this dreadfully small town and hit the big time!

What an idiot I was!

First off, the chances of a Hollywood producer ever showing up in Hamilton, Indiana were pretty slim.

Though we did have an episode on Unsolved Mysteries once.

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I was to scared to even go to the casting call for that while it was in town.

Long story short, I never got swept off to the big time.

I never went for it, I just waited, expecting it to come to me.

I never started a path that was moving toward it.

Life doesn't come to you.

Success doesn't just come to you.

You can't sit and expect that.

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You have to go toward it!

So, if you are wondering when someone is going to notice you, and you aren't taking the necessary steps toward it, then realize that they are not coming.

Get out there and move toward your goal!

Get into it!

Be actively involved in the process!


"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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