10,000sp goal achieved! 300+followers. A Journey in Images

10,000sp goal achieved! 300+followers. A Journey in Images

I could not have gotten here without the support of the amazing friends I've made here on steemit. So today I am honoring as many of you as I can. Thank you everyone!!

Incredible stories, drawings, and paintings, full of keen insight and visual delight. I made a whole post devoted to what I think of this incredible guy who has become family to me:
From the Library of Unusual Twists

Business meeting in oil

The world as a mirror

If you don't know this guy, then you must be new. His comment section is the Rec center of this place, many fun-filled hours have passed for me in there! -He's not allowed to leave us again, if you agree say YAY-; Click to have a blast:
steemit marketing nonames style

Payouts are low? Pfft

If you value integrity, you'll value this blogger-To know him is to trust him (and love him;):
The book I wish was done RIGHT NOW:

Blood Oaths and Offerings

He's also promoting steemit on youtube with awesome animation--Click on the youtube logo inside the video and Subscribe to Lucid steemer. Don't forget to hit that thumbs up ;)

Today I feel like a steemian

One of the most thoughtful people you will find on this site, a dear friend whose comments are an integral part of each and every post, in addition to being an extremely talented writer:
Latest chapter of A Day In The Clouds

All of his proceeds for the book and the backstage look, go to his cousin's family for their special needs child.
Latest Silver Lining

Have you ever met someone who instantly enriches your life? That was the case for me with this darling woman and kindred spirit. My sistah from another mistah:
Deb's birthday cake

Choir in the streets of Wellingtong

@kiwideb's partner in life, so of course he's cool.
The lion, the pornstar, and the polar bear

Weta Workshop

If you love everyday humor as I do, you will love this star wars and steemit enthusiast. With a kind heart and a beautiful spirit, do yourself a favor and get to know this guy:
Geeky Dad's movie guide

Star Wars sponsored charity

This fantastic fountain of fabulous should need no introduction, down to earth, spirited, and just a helluva cool chic, damn proud to call her a newly acquired bff:

Try not to laugh

Advocate To Warrior

I could repeat what I just said about @merej99 with this guy, just replace "chic" with "dude". And he has some of the most fantastic words ever, Wayhay!:

Is it safe to sleep

HardFork Animation

This guy has turned me into a fan of the rap genre, a gifted lyricist and creator of kickass beats, a beautiful voice and a loving spirit, Much Love from me to him in return:

Beyond Words Part 3

Waves Part One

A brilliant poet and novelist, this man has inspired me to take the next step into the world of publishing. Many thanks my friend:

Order Alarm Clock Dawn on Amazon

Announcing Upcoming Release of A Perfect Pause

A man for whom I will always be grateful, gave me a huge boost for the success I am now enjoying here on steemit. Every post he puts up teaches me something new.

A visit to the chihuly gardens and glass

Water Taxis

My boy Terry! Generous, genuine, and big-hearted:

Off Key Grammar

What can I say about this guy? Except he's just plain AWESOME! And so is his daily holi art, so check it out:
Rainbows and Sunshine

Autism Awareness

Writer of fantastic legends, and a man of his word, forever grateful for his unfailing support:
Time for a Legend

A devoted family man and steemian, you'll always feel welcome and appreciated on this guy's page:
Photo Challenge-Feminity

An example of how to get on this platform and OWN it. A continually rising star with a quick wit and an unfailing positive attitude:
Birthday Bonanza

Barrel of Positivity

Genuine and gracious, beautiful inside and out, and a fabulous new friend for my journey:

Why we should cherish being a Decision Maker

The Magical World of Jalapenos and Friends

Principled and motivated, I doubt there is anyone as dedicated to steemit as this lovely man:
steem on the Rise

A combination of sweet and cool as hell, you can't help but want to be known by him:
steemit book club details

He's Irish, need I say more? Love this dude:
All I Live For

Fun-tastic friend whom I adore, only this guy can mix professionalism with words like anus:
Back Online

Rep of 71...Anus?

For beautiful art and an air of serenity, visit:
Art Created for @everlove

Strange Lines

Host of contests from memes to original tags, and just an all around great guy:
Winners of Original Tag Challenge with Guest judge @mammasitta

The site philosopher and a young man who is way ahead of his time:
Guide to changing the world

original poem and short story

Down to earth, funny, thoughtful, and wise; if you haven't checked him out do so now:
Ongoing saga of holiday tree toss

Unique and cool, and a great addition to your comment section:
In Honor of A Day in the Clouds by @jedau

New Cool Art

@happyharmonymay The account of @verbal-d's beautiful wife:

Harmony May

A dear woman with a kind word for everyone:
Favourite Tree

I know this man needs no introduction, but if you truly happen to be that new to the site then go introduce yourself to this awesome dude:
Snake Roundup

Possibly the sweetest woman on steemit, the love she has for people shines bright with every positive word. She knows exactly what it means to be a community, and her collaborations are a joy for every participant:
Collaborative art journey-Beyond The Veil

Collaborative art journey-Shadow Mandala


@meesterboom's: shadow mandala

@merej99's: shadow mandala
Tribute to Dad

@verbal-d's Collab with Everlove for Shadow Mandala
A tribute to @dreemit's novel Reborn

@opheliafu's Collab with Everlove for Beyond the Veil
Moon Baby

My first collaboration with the lovely @everlove
A poem for Beyond The Veil

Accounts I've more recently stumbled on and highly recommend:

For pants wetting laughter, thought provoking dialogue,
and answers to questions from the silly to the profound:

@the-oracool/community-cryptocurrency edition
Why is @mrwang still single?

What started Bad Reality TV

From Tomboy to Woman

Latest episode of The Girl and The Pendulum

A New Look For Me


steemit ramble April 14

game development-blog wormhole


@tincho created an initiative called the User's Chain, a chance for people to honor those who have inspired them on the platform. For a rare opportunity to get to know some people better, check out these links:

@tincho to @danilamarilu
@danilamarilu to @papa-pepper
@papa-pepper to @verbal-d
@verbal-d to @jedau
@jedau to @dreemit
@dreemit to @therealpaul
@therealpaul to @dreemit
@dreemit to @son-of-satire
@son-of-satire to @dwinblood, @cryptofiend, @nikflossus
@dwinblood to @hanshotfirst
@hanshotfirst to @rigaronib

  • @ezzy - missing you my friend, can't wait for your return.

There are so many more amazing people than I could possibly hope to put in one post. I appreciate each and every person who I have ever had contact with on this awesome site. If I've missed you, it's likely been a while since we've touched base. In fact as I'm writing this and getting ready to post I'm already thinking of a few.
Thank you all so much for your support and just for being here. You bless my life.

A song to celebrate- "Throw Back a Bottle of Beer"

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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