Iced Minty Chicken Spaghetti

Have you ever had Mul Naengmyeon 물냉면? If you're a fan of Korean food then you know what am talking about its their cold buckwheat noodles in icy cold dongchimi
broth 동치미 (radish water kimchi) or beef broth. My Iced Minty Chicken Spaghetti dish is inspired by that.

It's summer and the heat is damn on! Sitting in the garden has become unbearable these days, the heat is just too much - 32 degree Celsius says my weather app on my phone - it's too much every part of your body would sweat its fat out. We normally take lunch in the garden but these days, aside from this unbearable heat spell we're having in Holland - there's a construction going on in one of our neighbors and the sawdust are being blown to our garden table so we've been spending less time in the garden.

Even so .. the heat inside the house is still too much. 28 degrees says the heating system - it has never read that high. It's good for the solar panels but warm meals aren't any option at home these days, it's just too much and so this heat spell gave birth into making Mul Naengmyeon.

But wait ... you wrote spaghetti above! Yes, you're right about that. See, I bought this organic ramsons spelt spaghetti (if you're Dutch - it's from Jumbo) and I prefer using it than any other starchy flour noodles. So there ...

If you have been following me then you know I don't eat beef and I haven't really made any clear radish water kimchi or dong chimi since I would really want to use buko juice to make it but these days - I can't find the perfect timing to order them from the Filipino products online store in The Hague that sells them although I remember .. Ekoplaza have them, too.. hmmmm~~~



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Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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