Playing the Sims: Cowplant Take Two

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Legacy Challenge

Victoria, and Jack Steem are my Sim Girl legacy challenge Sims. If you are not familiar with the challenge you can find it at Sims Legacy Challenge. This challenge is to basically start your Sim out on a huge lot, with little to no money, and then play the household for 10 generations on this land. There are many stipulations, and rules for the challenge. You can find these rules by following the link.


Jack has some sort of weird sickness that makes him dizzy. When your Sims are sick, they can cure themselves by using home remedies. To cure a cold, you can click the refrigerator, select have a quick meal, and then select orange juice.

I tried the orange juice, but it did not help Jack. By mousing over the dizzy buff, it says that this sickness may be cured by drinking tea. In the Sims you can find the tea magic personal brewer in the store. By clicking on the microwave icon, you will find the small appliances. The tea maker is toward the bottom of the list.

You can also find other small appliances here, such as microwaves, coffeemakers, and dishwashers.


Once Jack drank the tea, he was given the healthy aura buff for four hours, and the combating cold buff for 40 minutes. These buffs should mean that Jack will be feeling better soon. If you look at Jack’s hunger need, you can see that the tea also increases this meter.


I was given a notification that both twins were doing very well in school, and that they were both close to gaining a responsible trait. Doing good in school increases the responsibility trait. To further advance the responsibility trait, the twins can do things like, take out the trash, brush their teeth, and clean up toys.


Jack and Victoria could upgrade the house a good bit. They added some windows, and a front porch. They also lifted the house, so that there is a foundation now. Jack put down a wooden floor in the kitchen, and new tile in both the bathrooms. He also replaced the carpet with new fresh blue carpet.


The doll house Jack and Victoria have bought for the girls had been an invaluable source of entertainment for them. They can play with the dolls by themselves, or they can play with each other. The parents can also play dolls!


Victoria and Jack did it again! Before Victoria and Jack could even get the twins to their teenage years, Victoria is pregnant with her fifth pregnancy. I was joking about having triplets in the game, but then I saw that there is a chance of having triplets!

Let’s hope that Victoria is not quite that fertile!


Jackie Steem had become a child! Since I have not been randomly generating the traits anymore, I decided to give Jackie the active trait, so she can be a superstar athlete like her mama. Jackie will tend to be energized, can pump up others, and may become upset if she doesn’t exercise in a long time.

For the time being… the Steem home is toddler free!!!!


Jack traveled to the cowplant spot, and fished up another cowplant. He had grown some when they first started having the children, and the cowplants died. He’s going to try and take better care of it this time. While he was near the park, he also grabbed some grafting cuttings from the trees and wild plants around there.

This is the first time Jack has been home alone since the children were born. It is kind of weird not to be looking for a toddler. If you don’t pay attention, they will wonder off!

Since Jackie is going to be energetic and athletic like her mom, Victoria, Jack bought the girls a set of monkey bars. This will give them something to do outside, and will also raise their athletic skills when they play on it.


Jack has achieved his goal to reach level 10 in the gardening skill! Congratulations Jack! This is one of the steps needed to reach Jack’s final life goal of becoming a freelance botanist. The other requirements are to grow a cowplant, which he just caught, and to evolve 10 excellent plants.

The last goal is going to be the toughest. To evolve an excellent plant, the plant must be taken care of well, meaning watered, weeded, and fertilize regularly. Because Jack and Victoria have also been raising children, the plants have not been taken care of as well as they should have been. I will need to go through the plants, pick out the best ones, and focus on evolving them to excellent.


Angelica grew up to be a teenager! She has been doing very well practicing her violin, so I gave her the musical genius aspiration. Angelica will now want to be an expert musician and songwriter. I also gave her the creative trait, so that she can create new things when she is inspired. This trait will also make her upset if she has not been creative in a long time.


Josette has been a bit dramatic, with the whole monsters under the bed, and wanting to wear a bear suit, but there is no acting life goal. I decided to give her the mansion baron life goal from the fortune aspiration. The mansion baron goal, will give Josette the desire to own the biggest, fanciest home. I have also given her, Victoria's good trait. This way she will be a good rich person!


Angelica looks exactly like her mother!

The way the Sims 4 makes the family members look alike, without making them look the same is cool. Angelica, and Josette are twins, but they don’t look the same. Angelica has taken on her Victoria’s looks, while Josette has taken on Jack’s features.

Either way…. They can now garden!!!! That’s all that really matters.

They might want to change into some overalls, because they will be working in the fields! Child labor. Got to love it!


The teen Sims, can now start to build some of their basic skills such as charisma. This skill is unlocked by having friendly, and positive interactions with others. As they begin to try new things, such as gardening, they will be able to unlock other skills.

I hope you have learned a little more about how to play the Sims 4, and how to play your Sims through the aging process. Each life stage is a new chance to shape, and mold your Sims. When you raise a Sim from birth, you have more control over the traits, and the skills they will have when they reach young adulthood.

The more skills, they can learn during their childhood, the better they will do during their adulthood, and the better chance they will reach their life goal.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

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For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?
Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks
Playing the Sims- Change of Plans
Sim Girl Legacy Challenge
Sunday- Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update I
Sunday Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update II
Sunday Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update III
Playing the Sims: All About Fishing
Playing the Sims: Living Off the Land, Cowplant Edition
Playing the Sims: On Pause
Playing the Sims: Introducing the Sim Girl Dark Shadows Challenge
Playing the Sims: Labor Day!!!
Playing the Sims: Toddler Years Whomp whomp whomp
Playing the Sims: An Embarrassing Incident and Cake
Playing the Sims: Growing Children and Mushrooms
Playing the Sims: Little Steem Divas and Cake
Playing the Sims: Birthday Edition!
Playing the Sims: Parenthood Game Pack
Playing the Sims: This Game Revolves Around Cake
Playing the Sims: Yet more Birthdays… Oh, and Fish!!

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life


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