Hi friends!
I will show you now, a particular case of using this method to draw a cube in perspective.
So far we have drawn the cube calculating intuitively the depth of its faces. Next, I show you how to draw a cube with all equal sides in a two-point perspective.
Start by drawing a horizon line, then draw the cube freehand to determine its height, location, and size.
Then, using a ruler, measure the visually nearest vertical edge (this is the edge that determines the size of the cube). See Lesson-15
Place the ruler horizontally, at the top vertex of the cube and draw a horizontal line from it with the length you just measured.
Now, draw the vanishing line to intersect the horizon line and, following the steps explained in Lesson-63 draw the diagonal from end to end of the edges as shown below.
Repeat the same process on the adjoining side of the cube.
You can proceed to draw all the helplines to finish the cube now.
This method is very easy to apply and also very useful for drawing figures in perspective with the correct depth.
I wish you a very nice day and good exercise!
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